
By Transitoire

The Boy

This is the last time I will get to see Thom sans moustache for this month…much as he won’t look too hot, I am very proud of him for doing Movember and raising money for charity, will keep you updated on how this effort goes!

So this evening was the Bierkeller, and it was hilarious. The entirety of our flat decided to go out to it and although the beer was Carlsberg and not genuine German beer we did get a two pint Stein to keep after the event. We all of course took two each at the end of the night, just because they were there, and everyone needs a two pint glass or two. So, the evening was definitely not ask expected, the random things that happened included:-
- Me being pulled up on-stage by the Oompa band, twice to dance with them
- Beth also being pulled up on stage for a different dance with the Oompa Band
…I have to point out, our group was nowhere near the stage, they came into the crowd to find us
- An incident involving Hugo and a bin
- Andy wearing Clare’s sequinned cardigan and shouting that he was “fabulous”
- Mayonnaise, involving Andy and Owen

Oh, in other news…I passed the minibus test for the university, meaning I can now legally drive a twelve seater minibus. I feel sorry for anyone who will be in the back!! It will definitely be interesting if I ever actually have to use said qualification…

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