Just the tonic

Just had a lovely night with a good friend and my first proper meal in three days. Even though I still feel terrible, it actually helped and was a real tonic to have a reason to go out and put make up on! Funny female psychology that one!

Audrey is getting great at learning new words as demonstrated at bedtime and is adding to her vocab every day now. Not that anyone else would understand them as duck is "kaka", fish is "isssssh" and penguin is "mamin"!! Which begs the question, why is it that the first words we teach our children are animals and animal noises? It really is quite odd! Hardly practical information is it? I'm 18 months old, I can't tell you what I want but I do know that a duck quacks!

Spent the day at home working and snoozing, feeling sorry for myself. Angus took Audrey to his Mum's. A man came to clean our carpets. That's all really.

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