Warm up

4years 38days

Little madam had a not so fabulous night last night. She woke with an irritating cough about 11pm. It took her a VERY long time to settle back to sleep, even after drinks, medicine, cuddles, snuggling in her granny cover, snuggling out of her granny cover, more milk. As a result she was a little unimpressed at having to get out of bed this morning!

Despite that, she's had a very good day. When I arrived early afternoon to nursery, the place looked like Christmas had puked on it. I arrived as the winter grotto was mid construction - fake snow, glitter, igloos everywhere. I went into their room as they were finishing up making tree decorations. More glitter everywhere. The kids were beyond excited.

I took Katie in to the city for a little while before ballet. She was really bouncy before her class, and I watched just the start of her warm up dance. She was excited afterwards to tell me that she can now do all of it - last week some of the bigger girls new dance was too tricky for her and it made her very frustrated. This week, she felt more confident with it. We stopped for cheesy sweetcorn from the little stall on the way to the train, at her request. For her bedtime book tonight, I conceded and allowed a Christmas themed story. I think we are well and truly at the start of the festive mania.

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