Orla & Conor

By OrlaConor

Wearing Mum's hat on Tamariu beach

Our first proper day at the villa and it was hot and sunny again. After breakfast, we headed down to the pool. I had on my special swimsuit and hat to keep the sun off me. Dad had lots of blowing up to do - my swimseat, paddling pool and the lilos. I had great fun in the pool bobbing about on my swimseat and playing with my Dad and uncles. After our swim we took a trip to the supermarket. I know nothing about it though, as I slept the whole time. My morning's swimming tired me out!

In the afternoon we walked down to Tamariu from the villa. I was in the bushbaby on Dad's back. The first bit of the walk was through some trees. Dad had to bend right over nearly the whole time so that we didn't hit our heads on any branches. Once we got to Tamariu we found a nice shady spot on the beach and had our lunch. Mum rubbed some tomato on my bread for me. It was yummy. Uncles Rick, Iain and Ol went for a swim after lunch and Dad took me for a paddle. The beach at Tamariu is made up of lots of little pebbles. I loved the feel of running them through my fingers, but also liked trying to eat them. I gave Mum a fright a few times.

Today was Uncle Matthew's birthday, so in the evening he and Dad along with uncles Rick, Iain and Ol went back to Tamariu for dinner. I stayed at the villa with Mum and we had an early night. I needed the sleep as I didn't go to bed until midnight last night!

Here's a link to some more photos of today.

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