jeni and the beans

By themessymama


Goofball yesterday, Oddball today.

He took his lunch bowl with him to his toybox, and sat down to eat his dinner in peace. When it became apparent that he couldn't balance his bowl on his knee while sitting on the toybox, he moved locations to the sofa and set himself up with cushions to support his bowl.

And ate almost all his lunch, and it wasn't a small helping either! Happy me. Especially as he was off his food yesterday AND this morning. I don't much mind where he chooses to eat his food, as long as he eats something!

Gran and Grandad's today, and in the afternoon while the boys watched a movie with them (Bean gave a running commentary, it was the Lego Batman movie and he's already watched it once today. And about a hundred times in the last couple of months too.) I snuck off home to get my wool which I'd forgotten. Came back to a lovely hug from Bear, who then decided he'd waited long enough and came for a booby cuddle and fell fast asleep! At half past four. Not great... He woke up when I tickled him awake at 5.30pm for some dinner but wasn't overly interested.

He's a funny Bear. I'm going to have to go back and read what Bean was like at this age. Bear could pass for an 18 month old looks wise. But at 2years he's a lot cleverer than your average 18 month old. His speech is coming along really quickly now, as well as signing which I'm pleased about. He loves his daddy and at bedtime for the past few days he's either sat bolt upright and screamed for daddy, only to ask for juice when he appears, and then fallen asleep. He kept asking for dada at bedtime tonight, like he was asking where he was, but was satisfied when I said he'd be up later on. He is very much his own boy, he does what he does. He loves his duplo, he loves motorbikes, he loves his pots and pans. He listens to conversation, and today when Grandad sneezed at the table he got down from the sofa, picked a tissue from the box and trotted round to give it to Grandad. He pays attention, whether he does anything about it or not! He's still only two though, and it's hard to keep reminding Bean that he needs to be the one modelling appropriate behaviour, because Bear is still learning. Everything Bean does, Bear tries to copy. Everything WE do, including our attitudes, Bear tries to copy. He's still figuring out how it all works and fits together though. It may be a good life being two, but it's hard work.

This morning I had a bit of a eureka moment. My breakfast was the remains of the cauliflower pizza I made for lunch yesterday. All it required was heating up, so for the first time in a long time I was able to eat breakfast with the boys instead of after they'd finished. It meant that although we were really late down to breakfast to start with, we actually had a morning!! I completely forgot I'd planned to go out to a different playgroup this morning, so we made cinnamon ornament dough (salt dough with cinnamon in it) and some more coconut flour chocolate fairycakes for me too. I'm sworn off gluten for a month at least, to see if it makes a difference to any of my physical issues. And while I'm at it I might as well do the whole30 paleo thing as well, and really try to stick to it. The gluten-free thing is harder than I realised it was going to be. Paleo is a mindset which was fairly easy to figure out, but gluten-free is HARD. Realising just how many things I take for granted have gluten in. Having to check ingredient lists when shopping. Those of you with confirmed gluten-intolerance (not just gluten sensitivity) I have FAR more understanding already of what a minefield food can be for you.

Anyway. As a result of this morning's morning, I'm cooking my breakfast sausages now. I don't think they'll all make it through til morning.

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