
What a day. Not a bad start to the day, only half an hour late to our Wednesday toddler group. Then we decided not to go to the local soft play centre over lunch, but to go next week instead when people weren't quite so pressed for time. So that was ok, home for lunch! Then we got ready to go out to a new Wednesday afternoon group, got there, couldn't get in. Checked the details, yes right place, phoned a friend, yes, right place, checked details again. Fourth time I checked, I noticed the date was next week :) I have a pretty shocking track record of checking names and dates ;) But nice to have made a new friend anyway. And looking forward to next week!

This is a bit of a poor excuse for an emergency blip photo. Everyone chilling out at the end of the day, smartphones and ipads out, watching something inconsequential on the telly...

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