Take my picture mummy

4years 41days

That's wht Katie said to me this morning. She then checked to see if it was satisfactory image. I didnt necessarily intend to blip it, but didnt take any more photos!

We've had a leisurely day today. Pottering round for the first half of the morning, getting the studio Christmas props out and set up, a long bath each, lots of drawing and writing. Late morning I had a Christmas session, so Katie had a play in the playroom. The clients were friends, so their daughter went to play with Katie when she was done.

After the session, we had lunch together before some other friends came to visit. Their youngest is one of Katie's nursery friends and they played really wonderfully together. They were so excited to see each other. Katie and I then had tea together and worked on a dress we are doing for her before my tired girl snuggled up in my arms to sleep.

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