Psalmist with a camera

By jellyfox

Sticking Their Necks Out!!!

First day back and children seemed to be so sleepy.....that by the time we got to art...the impetus and drive had all gone out of them. Too much excitement over the five day holiday and a lot of late nights I should think!

However...Mogdiligani needed to have his portraits off we went full steam ahead, colouring, colouring and more colouring!!!!

Quite impressive results really and amazingly the children could all identify each others efforts!!! Must be the elongated necks!!

National Day celebrations are still on the agenda.....the drumming carried over into the music lesson and the rifle throwing choreographed dance was in full swing in PE....all in readiness for the real thing on Thursday! Watch this space!!

Evening trip to the hairdresser, Long phone call to ensure I'm on target for a project I need to complete before 29th Dec, (and I am!) surprise meet up at the Christmas tree shop with friends of yesteryear, finally home again by 10:15.

Blood test tomorrow at 6:45am so bed is calling.

Happy Blipping Everyone!

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