Strawberries and ice cream

There is a strawberry glut going on in my neck of the woods. Not that I'm complaining ;-)

4 chips/punnets of strawberries for $4.00.

Bargain :-)

I grew up in the north where we refer the plastic containers (or in those days foil containers with cellophane over the berries held on by a rubber band) strawberries come in as chips. I live in the south and they're referred as punnets.

Anyway, back to the pressing matter of strawberries and 'healthy' Zilch, no sugar added ice cream. I ate a lot of this combination last week as they were Mum's choice of dessert. "May as well continue the tradition" I thought when I saw the specials sign biking home.

Best not to think about the travel distance or the poor grower. These strawberries were grown in Hawke's Bay in the north island, crossed Cook Strait by ferry and were likely trucked half way down the south island to Christchurch.

The green grocer said the plastic chip/punnet costs .30 cents. That leaves .70 cents for freight, costs and profit.

Glad I'm a consumer rather than a grower of strawberries.

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