
By PhilipC

Is there honesty in Aberdeenshire yet?

Tucked in a dilapidated and forlorn corner of the garden, just by the Great North of Scotland Railway line, I found there was still the promise of life next year. Honestly! Well, Honesty, at least.

The silver seed pods of Honesty, waiting 'to fall into the ground and die', thus providing for a bit of a show next year. Silver brightness and form against a jungle of matted grass under the neighbour's light-destroying Leylandii. Worth discovering. Even worth Blipping, though not what I went out for. That was over the railway, down the field to the little River Ury, which gives us Inverurie loons our identity. Found a shot — and also found no CF card in the camera! So back home and into the garden to get at least something. And I found honesty — even in these deplorable times!

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