Sharing care!!

I ordered six of these roosting nest pockets to put in our garden, but when they arrived they seemed the perfect small Christmas gift for my book club friends and others (none of them are Blippers so I’m not sharing any surprises).
I will have to order more for our garden! (off the RSPB website)

We are getting off lightly with the foul weather. It has been very windy and shaken off more of the leaves and remaining apples from the surrounding trees. I like it when the trees are bare because you can see the birds that are resting, rather than just hearing their chatter.

It is teatime and almost dark and only the collared doves and great tits are feeding, all very orderly!!

I need to go in to the village for some extra milk, should have done it earlier as it is now pouring with rain!!

It is well seeing that B was once a boy scout!! Always has a length of rope and manages risk…the risk that the top will blow off the already damaged wall.

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