Footprints in Photos

By AnnaSpanner

Happy birthday Nanny Sue

L woke the whole house from 3am complaining of dinosaurs and yellow slime running down her neck. Bad dreams are occurring a lot here at the moment, their imaginations at this age know no limits.

We decorated the tree after school and the girls made some Christmas card. I usually don't buy more than 10 cards because I think when you buy lots you send them to absolutely everybody without really thinking about it and sometimes the sentiment is lost. I also feel bad for the trees and industry that is consumed in that mass production. That's just me anyway, over thinking things. So most years the girls make their cards to a few special friends and they really enjoy doing so.

The house is looking cosy with the tree but we need a few more decs up.

Meatballs for dinner and then I popped to see my mum to drop off the birthday cake L had made her. A good catch up with a bit of a late night.

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