
By pattons6

Wind swept and interesting.....

Well, I could say that my hair is like this due to me being out in the horrible fact it's just my hair after my afternoon nap. Mummy judges how good a nap I have had by how bad my hair is after. Today I had an epic nap, hence the bad hair.

I had a great night sleep last night. I even got a wee lie in. Until I was rudely awoken by the wind. Grandma said that there was half a roof lying in the middle of the road at her house. Here well there was lots of leaves, the odd huge branch and roof tile.

Today I have been playing lots. Mummy got a delivery today and I helped bring it in. I also said thanks to the delivery man and waved to him as he left.

Daddy and I then had our naps. While we were sleeping mummy did some work. She even sneaked into the office to finish her work while I was still sleeping.

Tomorrow we are going shopping for a new phone for daddy. His phone doesn't talk to mummy's anymore so she is taking him to get a new one. Off to bed to play with the elves tonight I'm full of mischief!

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