Just the once mummy

Today I have allowed mummy to put a picture of my new brother or sister. We all got to see him or her on the monitor. The baby was jumping, kicking, waving and wriggling about. I waved and said hi. Grandma was there too, so we were all very exciting.

After mummy's scan, grandma took my brother, sister and I home. Mummy went out, all by herself. When she got home all her hair was gone, it's a lot shorter now. Mummy had her Xmas night out so grandma stayed with us until daddy got back from work.

I had a lovely chippy tea. A ate lots, it was nice all having a treat and eating in front of the tv instead of at the table in the dinning room.

I didn't want to go to bed. I eventually went just a little later than normal. Mummy is hopeful for a long lie.....

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