No winter sunshine today....................

The weather has been grey & dreary so Ann has spent most of the day doing domesticated chores. Even when I went for my walk this afternoon I had to wait in the car while she went supermarket shopping and then did a little bit of Christmas shopping.

Went to Portreath Beach for a play but I didn’t have any energy to play with my yellow bouncy ball. I think all my chasing yesterday has worn me out.

And now Ann’s off to see Santa arrive in St Ives...................... on the lifeboat??!! Well we hardly ever have snow here so his sleigh wouldn’t work!!

I’m a little bit cross because I was sure she would be taking me with her. Apparently it’s going to be too noisy and crowded for a gorgeous little collie like me and she’s hoping a glass of wine might feature in the festivities???

Happy weekend Blippers. xx

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