Life in a Northern Town

By kagsy

Oh Christmas Tree

This is my Christmas tree.

The intention was to have a glass of sherry in the shot with the tree in the background - I left the room for a few seconds and came back to find the dog with her nose in the sherry so I went right off it. I can see where I missed a bit with the lights.

Today's news, we finally, after 7 years in this house, had loft insulation installed. The house feels like a sauna. The boys have gone to Ipswich for the day, I have been wrapping presents and now Sarah and I are going to watch A Muppet Christmas Carol. How festive we are.

Talking of festive - Christmas tune number 3. This one isn't strictly a Christmas song, but it was number one at Christmas, the video is Christmassy, it has Christmas bells in it and I used to quite fancy Tony Mortimer. (James, I am very sorry, but at least it's not you know who.) Mostly, this song reminds me of the end of an horrendous year in my life and it always fills me with hope (despite the lyrics). Stay now - and don't frow it all away.

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