
By scharwenka

Silly hats and fine food

Today was the day of the Christmas Dinner for members of my college's Senior Common Room. Sophisticated scholarship gives way to silly hats on this occasion, handed out from a sack by member of the staff if yiou have failed to bring your own. But there are some very fine home-made creations, such as this one brought by a senior cleric.

Look at this debris left on the table after cracker-pulling!

The meal itself was sensational. There was luxury food, most splendidly prepared by our brilliant chef and his excellent staff. Here is the menu of the evening's meal. I don't believe one could eat better, or better-prepared, food in even the very best restaurants. I do not forget how lucky we are in so many ways to enjoy all this luxury, and stimulating company, and historic surroundings.

Showing the menu will stimulate me, I'm afraid, to show what is becoming known as food porn!

First, I exhibit the meat course (you had better look at the menu again!). Then the "pudding": spectacular, and served on a slate (as one does). First-class wines throughout, liberally served, as well.

Well, I'm tired of writing descriptions. The tiredness is probably exacerbated by the indulgences of last night... As an alternative, here is a selection of the photographs that I took yesterday evening.

Christmas is coming, and it's me that's getting fat!

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