
By scharwenka

Carved Wood ...

... at the Summertown Sunday Market. German Christmas Markets are in the past now, and we are at home.

But there are some very attractive pieces here, carved by a local craftsman. He uses wood that has fallen off trees, or windfall, or dead trees, so as not to damage living wood. Ecologically very sound!

Here are some of this craftsman's other creations. All very attractive, especially as one is thinking about possible Christmas presents...

Another stall sells Cretan olives, olive oil, and herbs. The proprietors' daughter has emigrated to Crete, and these are, I believe, the output of her smallholding.

Other temptations on offer this morning included French Patisseries, and these hugely indulgent chocolate cakes: we have had some of those before, and they are unctious and delicious!

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