Colour Burst and Going Off.
The Bossess mobile weather office, his iPhone predicted dire happenings later in the day so we went off earlier. The Boss tells me that “went off” is not the greatest use of words but from my point of view it’s fine. We got in to Suzz and off we went…i.e. we went off…OK? Right!
One of my favourite places for going off is the outlet of the lake and there is a road, shingle and old that The Boss tells me you could drive down when he was a younger bloke but since has been blocked off. I think this is a grrreat idea as it has created a wonderful walking, biking, running, sticathoning, photographing and general dog trotting area which is not only wonderfully scenic but safe AND you meet lots of other dogs with their handlers for chats.
The Boss knos that this can be a BAD THING for ME as I get BORED and if he stops to chat and there is no K9 entertainment I will go exploring. Today we met Max (not mad) a German Shepard that I knew as a pup. We remembered each other and the fun thing is that Max actually operates in German. His Boss “R” tells him what to do, in German, and he does. The only German The Boss knos was used in “Hogans Hero’s” a wonderful black and white TV comedy that if you remember you should stay “suss” about as it makes you seriously ancient and subject to ridicule by your younger partner if you have one, WHO probably watched it as well…so there!
The area at the end of the peninsula is Lupin central and the morning light was grrreat so today is NOT from the iphone as he wanted DOF. That’s Dog Often Fed which I am also very keen on BTW.
OH YES and The Boss remembered an interesting technical difficulty with his phone after he had plugged it into the charger cable last night but forgotten to switch the charger on. It went flat after recording about 5000 steps which he recons was about halfway thru the walk. I would demand an audit.
Oh again… The Boss is typing this with his new improved super doper all seeing glasses. AND can take photo’s, and engage in all sorts of other activities, approved and other, without changing them and is super pleased. The $39.00 ones from the grocery store that some oldies swear by would NOT have cut it.
Oh AND The lovely glasses lady that organised them was SO IMPRESSED with my photo (to be reshot some time later for Blip exposure so be patient) that is fixed to her office door that she gave the Boss CHOCOLATE BARS. Now just a minute…I was the model here so………
Brarking News… He has e…….YES he has. Both of them.
Tiptoe thru the Lupins.
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