
By lucia13

Thanks to you I did 300 blips!

Thanks everybody for the lovely comments stars and hearts about my rose. Really I didn't know it was my blip . Thanks to you for remind me . It was so nice when I saw many kind comments from you . What a surprise!.It is 300 blips !and almost 300 comments My God! incredible!.
I am very happy to be here in this lovely community despite of everything and the difficult days I had. You are so kind and you made me smile and the tears come to my face today. Thanks a lot for encorege me and inspired me . I had learn a lot from you since I started here.
I was thinking today to do something special for you but I was so busy with the house and some friends come to my house see my new kitchen and have a tea. It was my opportunity to make this chocolate cake for them so . I put this numbers which I find at home for another birthdays . I take this picture before give to my friends . It is in the corner of the new kitchen. I saw it there and |I enjoy the reflections so I took it quikle for you. Later I went to my art class which I enjoyed a lot . I am painting a still life, If it convince me maybe I will blip after Xmas hehe!
I am going to Canarias, Lanzarote in a few days. I miss my sunshine so I hope I go to enjoy the beach for 2 weeks .
Tomorrow I will enjoy my birthday! My friends from London are coming so I have another party Birthday but we will go out for a nice dinner .
Have a lovely day everyone and hope you enjoy my cake even if it is virtual hehe! keeping smiling it is healthy!

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