Stumbling into the forest...

Today I got up early to take a trip to Ikea to pick up a few bits. I was dreading it to be honest, but it was actually quite pleasant. Turns out a Sunday in the run up to Christmas is not the place to be!

I then met up with the girls again (from yesterday) to do some shopping in town. Purely be chance we stumbled into The Hub; Edinburgh's Festival Centre on the Royal Mile, in the search for a bathroom.

It's such a lovely building inside. We also stumbled into the sculpture hall. Apparently, artist Jill Watson decorated the Main Stair with over 200 plaster figures on the shelves. These represent past festival performances of dance, music, theatre and opera and the top row shows the audience applauding the performers below.

This was one of my favourites, surely it has to represent A Midsummer Night's Dream, right?

In other news, I just found out that Peter O'Toole died yesterday. I adored him and am very saddened by his passing. Another great man.

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