Licensed to Chill

By 007Roo

My hero!

I had a call whilst at work to get to the hospital quickly, my dad had taken a turn for the worse, he has had another stroke and was having seizures every few minutes, it was so hard to watch this poor man that I love dearly suffering like this, eventually the hospital have stabilised him and he is comfortable for this evening at least, although he couldn't speak more than the word no he smiled when I mentioned his favourite little chi Daisy May, never really a dog lover he had dogs because as kids we wanted them, but he took Daisy May into his heart and also he was very proud of Roo and would tell everyone that he had made crufts.

My mate use to rib me as I'd always say dad was my hero and he still is, the fun we had when I was a kid and then when I grew in to a teenager creeping in after nights in night clubs and he would hide behind the sofa to scare the living day lights out of me when really he had been worrying were I was all night.

How many kids get to learn to drive in a Daimler well spoilt I was and still am.

My love of 007 came from dad, he would always phone and say its Bond here James Bond and I'd say not that old one again dad!

We travelled across the states and Canada together more like great mates than dad and daughter such great memories.

I'm unsure which way this is going to go its never easy when age is against you.

One things for sure though even now dad has the best humour I knowand he's smiling when I talk.

Today is Tiger Lily's 10th birthday she's the red beautiful chi and Daisy May dads little tiny as he calls her is in her bed behind, in the front is my Beanie and of course my other hero Roo.

Thanks everyone it's appreciated.

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