
By MamaOfBoys

Kanyes last day

My beautiful boys last day at St Albans.

I took some chocolates and cards into school for the principal, the senco ( special education needs Co ordinator), Kanyes specialist teacher aid and his teacher who is leaving for another school.
In the afternoon I went early as I wanted to give Kanyes teacher aide - Debbi, the gifts we had for her. In reality no amount of gifts would be enough to thank her for everything she has done for him over the past four years. I said it's not good bye it's see you later. We'll keep in touch she's part of our family. Kanye will miss her immensely.

The kids in Kanyes class all said goodbye and gave him a hug which was lovely for him. His teacher gave him a hug too.

I am sad, it's bittersweet but as I say we'll keep in contact with everyone from school who has been involved with him.

Marley had a great day they made reindeer food. All the mums in the class got his teacher a gift to say thank you and one mum who organised it bought a chilly bag to put it all in so the kids presented it to her this afternoon. She was so taken aback she got teary.

As a treat we had pancakes for dinner tonight. Was such a lovely day.

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