
By MamaOfBoys

Inspirational words.

The boys and I slept late which is not like us, I think because it's been raining and its cool we all slept better.

Took the boys to school, they were going to watch the wonkey donkey performance by Craig Smith, the guy who wrote it, in the morning.

I went and did groceries, grabbed some food and a Santa suit for Andre to wear to pop in and see Mar sometime either before Christmas or Christmas Eve.

I picked the boys up at 130 as Kanye had neurologist appointment.

I was prepared with some things I wanted to speak to the neurologist about but I didn't get to see him I would up seeing the registrar who didn't know Kanye and mid way decided to go and confer with the neurologist. So frustrating. It would have been easier for the neurologist to just come and speak to me. Last time I saw him he said he wanted to change his meds at this appointment but told the registrar to leave it as is until he sees Kanye in 3 months. It's OK I guess but not entirely the outcome I had in mind.

Kanye though he's doing well seizure wise he's lost almost 2 kilos since August and now they're concerned, so they are going to supply him with a drink that's similar to meal replacement once a day and I need to give him more protein more high calorie type food.

Tonight my Marley moo came out to the lounge upset that his bones hurt and pointed to his shins so Andre and I think he might have growing pains as it's not the first time this happened.

These words on my wall that I made sometimes are really what I need to get through a hard day.

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