An exciting day

Olivia went on a school trip to the Grand Place this morning with her French/Belgian studies class. It sounds like she had a great time but the highlight was when her teacher bought them all waffles and hot chocolate! Olivia has always refused hot chocolate whenever I've offered it to her but apparently she loves it now! I asked if she would remember the restaurant that they went to so we can go on our next visit and she replied that it was where she had her Naming Day in 2011!

Then after school we all went to select our Christmas tree which we do every year. I thought I'd get some lovely snaps of the kids choosing our perfect tree etc etc. I bet you're thinking that sounds like a lovely family thing to do. What a nice tradition. Yeah, yeah, I'm sure that's what I'll be saying in twenty years time when I look back at these times with rose-tinted glasses. In reality it really wasn't a very enjoyable experience as Dexter screamed and had a tantrum as he wanted the biggest Christmas tree you can imagine whilst Olivia kept asking over and over again if she could go down the dangerous metal ramp on her scooter to which we replied 'no' every time. When Dex realised that he wasn't going to win the battle over the tree he then selected the smallest tiniest tree that they had and proceeded to have another tantrum. Once we (as in Hubby and I) had chosen the perfect tree, Hubby carried it home and we actually giggled about the beautiful family experience and know for a fact that we'll do exactly the same next year!

When we got home we did actually have a lot of fun decorating the tree and house, and discovered that the kids still love the songs ' Rocking around the Christmas Tree' and 'Frosty the Snowman.'

This evening hubby and I treat ourselves to a night out at the cinema. It's a bit of an expensive trip once you've paid for the babysitter, but as we don't do it often and as it was one of the things we loved doing in our life before children, we thought 'why not!' We saw the latest Hunger Games film, 'Catching Fire' which was great.

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