At the coffee shop

I was off today and I was down too... the weather didn't help in the slightest... grey, wet, windy, rainy...

I had lots of things to do and I wasn't in the mood for doing any of them. I took my stuff to go to the gym and I stopped in a couple of shops on my way to get some stuff. Then I realised I had left my gloves in one of the shops. I went back to all of them and I finally found them in the first shop I was in. By that time my motivation for going to the gym, which was quite low in the first place, disappeared completely.

I phoned a friend and I met him for a coffee and a chat, which cheered me up a little bit. I was not even in the mood for photos, so I just took some random shots in the coffee shop with my wee camera.. I liked this one..

Not much more to report really. Still lots of things to do and I haven't even had my dinner..

Thanks very much for your lovely comments and stars on my moonlight shot yesterday. You sent me to spotlight! Really appreciated. I hope you all had a more cheerful day than me!

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