Stalking her prey
Babe is smarter than the average bear. The UPS guy when delivering packages to our neck of the woods comes equipped with dog treats for any unruly animals he may encounter. Babe is very protective of her territory (patio) and kicks up a right stink anytime a guy walks past. This week he left some
Packages on our door step as we were out and left a dog treat ontop. Even if the ups guy is not delivering to us as he walks by our place and if babe is on the patio he lobs a few treats her way. As such now babe recognizes the brown ups truck wherever she goes. She stands to attention and points directly at it. What's smart is that she not only recognizes the brown ups trucks but also the white fedex ones and even the usps post van - always hungry and on the look out for a treat that dog!
So today I resigned from my postdoc job. After giving my lab meeting and my boss telling me what my priorities were for future experiments I asked if I could meet with him and just before meeting fired off my resignation letter to him and HR. He took it better than expected. His only peeve being not knowing I was looking at leaving so he could be more active in getting a replacement. Especially as I gave him 2 weeks notice. I tried to not burn too much of the bridge by saying it was in no way a reflection of him and the lab and it was a career choice based upon knowing I didn't want to do bench-based research anymore (a half truth). He acknowledged the fact that it's not for everyone and I appreciated his understanding in that regard.
So the rest of the lab soon found out and they all wished me well and congratulated me. Just need to tie up some loose ends before I leave.
I have already started the "on boarding" process with VWR and filling in the paperwork. I start jan 2. My new boss is "super excited" to have me join the team and even ok'd my "pre-planned" trip back to UK this march/April for 7 days for a friends wedding and my second stag do. I say "pre-planned" as I had been waiting to confirm that I could go before buying flights but had told my best man and my mates whose wedding it is that I was coming!
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