Day Today

By Feathers14

Dreamy Waters for a Lack of Dreams

I woke up at 4.30am and couldn't get back to sleep so I made use of the luxury and walked down to the beach to try and catch the sunrise.

Eve has kindly entrusted me with her tripod so I figured I'd try some long-exposure water shots and it's something that's always interested me, but I've never done it.

The rock formation is back! Oh yes. I knew there was something to do with it and whilst this isn't the pinnacle of perfection, I do like it. The contrast between the calm skies, water and the colours, and the jagged edges of the rock.

Phil drove us round the island today and we checked out all the sights (only brought my digital with me) and we stopped for a cocktail by a bay up on Shoal Bay East. Stunning views.

Lunch was saved for potentially the most remote cafe/restaurant that was a mile or so down the most innocent looking track. Humble cooking that tasted bloody amazing. The food here is exceptional.

The evening was a few rum punches enjoyed at the bar just down the beach.



My first foray into long-exposure water shots. I think I'll be experimenting again.

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