All is well

We made it home safely, although the driving conditions were hairy. On one part of the motorway, we passed two Porsches, both crashed, one on the northbound side, nose into the grass bank. The other, southbound, no other cars, but it was mashed at front and back. We suspect aqua planing in both much standing water along with torrential rain and strong winds.

Home, tidied, went to the gym and actually managed to run longer intervals along with work with heavier weights -up to 30kg now, which is not bad given that 4 months ago I was limited to less than 5 kg.

Have had a nice reflexology session, we have eaten curry and then I braved the supermarket to stock up on important mostly. The zombie apocalypse had clearly occurred in Asda...never seen such devastation, but fortunately, most people had left and so it was relatively painless.

Now, watching Sinatra on TV. The cats have reclaimed Corin.

Tomorrow, gym, then wrapping presents, then staying indoors for 48 hours!

I confess to feeling a little mixed about Christmas this has
Not been the same without fretting about what to get for Nana and I do not want to see her empty chair at my Aunt and uncles house.

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