There goes

Santa, according to the tales being told on the Internet.

In reality, it's the ISS. As it flew over, two crew members were in the process of attaching a new ammonia pump module to the ISS's truss, to be linked into the cooling system sometime in the next few days. It was a six hour space walk and through the wonder of modern technology I have spent much of the afternoon watching the astronauts working their engineering magic under the guidance of NASA's ground staff.

So, the clouds cleared, let me see a lovely high pass and then I returned to the comfort of my warm house.

Now, to wrap the presents (last minute larry!) and to settle down to mulled wine and snacks. James is out at the rollerskating rink again...that means us oldies get some peace and quiet for a little bit.

Have a very very happy Christmas everyone - thank you for your support and words of wisdom and humour in what has been a difficult few months. I hope that Santa brings you and your families many moments of joy tomorrow.


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