Yesterday at the end of the afternoon Mischa arrived by train. Happy moment to see her safe and sound.
When we came home and Mischa saw the Christmas tree she roared with laughter and could hardly stop. It was her clear waterfall laugh and I think I had not heard that laugh for some time. I started to laugh with her and she danced around the tree and we had so much fun. She said it had been a good thing of me that I had warned her beforehand.
Then she stood still and saw the Nativity in the windowsill. She was so thrilled about it and said that this was the most beautiful 'kerststal' that we had ever had.
It is more than a meter long and radiates a very happy atmosphere.
I told her that probably because of the strangeness of the tree I had all my enthusiasm put into it.
This morning after drinking coffee it was high time for a walk in the forest. Up to the Sohnrey Höhe. When we arrived there and sat on the benches Piet Hein suddenly stood up and looked into the ravine, he made a gesture to Mischa to come and have a look too. Finger on their lips they made me clear that there was something exiting to see. Down there between the bushes we saw a deer, walking calmly through them.
It was at very same place where Piet Hein and I had seen the same animal a month ago. Slowly she disappeared and we continued our walk.
It is quiet now, after my nap and before tea time I can post my picture and have a look at your pictures. It is not the brightest day weatherwise, but let there be peace in our and your hearts.

My haiku:

Almost all silenced
In the forest not different
From all other days

And the proverb:

He/She will make a spoon or spoil a horn.

Meaning: Achieve success or be a failure.

1818 in Walter Scott: Rob Roy. And in 1820 in Byron's letter to Murray.

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