
By fennerpearson


This, then, is one of those photos that is a pretty literal representation of my day, since it consisted of planning shopping, doing shopping, recovering from shopping.

At one point, I did have an attractive plan that involved Asda's 'click and collect' or whatever it's called, which was superseded by a plan involving getting to Booths very early in the day but in the end I just went to Booths, this afternoon.

It was pretty much as bad as one might expect: lots and lots of people, a disproportionate number of trolleys to slalom through, and not much respect for the - admittedly not signposted or enforced - one-way system up and down the aisles. But, on the other hand, I did bump into lots of people I wanted to say Merry Christmas to, including my friend Ged, who's had a rough year.

The other thing about today was that I realised that if you see somebody kneeling down and taking a photo of their shopping, they're probably a person that spends a fair amount of time on 'social media'.

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