From the dark corner.....

By Rozwood1970

Och! It's cauld!

Yes indeed! Up here in Ayr today, it's definitely cauld and you wouldn't want to be wearing a kilt if you were a gentleman.

I didn't venture outside the door today as it was wild, windy and rainy all day and sadly I don't even think I am going to make it to the pub. At least I didn't get up early and work all day. I only found out quite by chance on Thursday last week that today was an extra Solihull Council day off. Imagine me sat here in the grumps as no one was responding to my emails?

Anyway, the wind woke me up at 7am - I am referring to the weather and not my stomach before you start - howling around the house. I sat up in bed with my duvet wrapped round me reading blips etc. before finally getting up at 8:30am. It was only just starting to get light at that time.

I wish I could tell you I did something really exciting but I didn't. I had the laziest day I'd had in ages eating, tea drinking, reading and watching the telly.

While mom constructed a rather peculiar dinner of roast potatoes, mashed potatoes, peas, fish fingers and a fried egg all covered in gravy - I'm sure you can see who I inherited my Masterchef abilities from - I wandered aimlessly round the house looking for a blip picture.

I had a few nice candle shots, a mug of tea and then I tried to stupidly take a photo out of the living room window of the wind blown trees. I was looking through the photos later on my iPad that I'd extracted from my camera, certain I'd make do with a candle when mom asked 'What is that dreadful, deformed creature?' After I'd stopped laughing half an hour later, I fiddled about a bit to enhance the 'deformed creature' and decided that was my picture for today.

Track? Sorry, it wasn't that long ago that I did this one from The Yardbirds but I felt it was appropriate to accompany the picture - Shapes Of Things

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