From the dark corner.....

By Rozwood1970

The running man...

I don't usually do films for the day but seeing this man running along the beach working off his Christmas pudding put me in mind of it. I remember going to see it at the old Solihull cinema before all those multi screen places came in. It was in 1987 and starred Arnold Schwarzenegger who was one of the biggest names in Hollywood - 21 letters if you count the space!

Mom used to clean the stalls every morning in those days and used to bring home unopened bags of sweets and bars of chocolate dropped by customers too busy enjoying the film to notice their fruit bonbons slipping away. Mom did not bring home all the knickers left behind I am pleased to report.

This morning was very cold here in Ayr but as soon as we stepped outside, the clear sky and the Isle of Arran shining like a jewel in the distance drew us down to the seafront.

There was an icy breeze strong enough to make your eyes water and after I had taken a few pictures, we cut down the road at the side of Ayr Council House and went into town that way. It was a lot warmer in the town and after a quick trip to Marks and Spencer where I bought a dusky pink shirt, we went back home via Neros where mom had coffee, I had a chai latte and we both had mince pies with cream. Yum!

Early posting tonight as I am off to see the Red Hot Chilli Pipers at Ayr Town Hall.

Track? I fancy some Lindisfarne today with an old classic -
Run For Home

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