ZZ Top Comes To Livingston

In to town this morning to collect the wee camera from the repairers.

Then in was a wee trip part of the way along the (very busy) city bypass to get a birthday present for my nephew and - as it turns out, a new jumper and a couple of belts for me.

It was then back to the garden centre in Livingston for an excellent bowl of soup and get a long string of Christmas lights for use at the wedding next month.

While we were sitting having our soup we noticed that Dusty Hill had sat at the table next to us.

In the aquatic department I thought that Nemo was looking a bit jaundiced

Nipped over to Bags house to see my sister and brother-in-law and give them our nephews birthday present to pass on.
No1 son and daughter-in-law are staying the night there and he was having fun with squirrel who was posing for him.

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