
We had Christmas Day at the hospital... sneaked in out of visiting hours with presents and Great Nana! Everyone is well and Charlie is behaving like a three month old baby just like my Mum said. I've not actually heard him properly cry although he did a little one in Aunty Em's charge!! That's what you get for dressing him up in this ridiculously cute elf outfit! Haha!

Thanks for all your lovely comments, hearts and stars yesterday. For those of you who want a Charlie overload, I've made an album you can see here...

Charlie overload...

I almost forgot...

Little Maxwell Harvey arrived at the back of 10pm last night (also by c section after a massive number of hours in labour!), weighing in at 9lbs 1oz and Nicki and Chris are delighted! All well and I'm sorry to have missed a visit. He was mega late!! Matching birthdays with Charlie though!!

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