What other way to wish you all a happy new year, than posting a photo of one of our lovely moo's!

What an interesting year 2013 has been. We started the year with a terrible drought, lasting for what seems as an eternity. I have never seen our farm so brown and dusty - hopefully this season will be so much better.

I have meet up with lots of blipper's from around the world during the year. Paladian and Rower visited from Australia in February, Tigg, husband John & son Simon visited from the UK in August, and Reike and Phillipp visited from Switzerland a few days ago. Farmerboy's second cousin Schoenies lives in South Africa - what a fantastic way to keep in touch with family. As well as these international blippers, I have also met many New Zealand blippers, far to many to name. I consider all these people my friends, and it is so nice to be able to keep in contact via blip.

During February next year, we are being visited by RonaMac and her husband from the UK. Rona and B are staying with us, and I'm looking forward to being able to show them around our small town.

In July I started working part time at the local school. Kiwilizzie & TeeJay also work at the school, so adding me into the equation, meant there were three Murchison blippers at school alone. TeeJay became Principal in November, so she is now my boss (and a fabulous boss she is!), while Kiwilizzie is shortly moving to the deep south to take up a Principal's position. Blip will be a fantastic way of keeping an eye on her, as she takes up her new job, and discovers the new environment where she will soon live.

So, I hope you all have a wonderful (and safe) New Year's celebration! For Farmerboy and myself, we will shortly be heading to bed, as it's an early start in the morning to go and milk. The cows still need milking regardless of the date.

I'll see you all again next year. Good night.

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