
By BethAndCo

New Year's Eve xx

I got home around midnight and Eva slept through til about 4.30 am, had a quick top up feed and went back to sleep til about 8.30. I left Mike asleep in bed (unusual for him to still be asleep after I get up) and went and got Eva washed and dressed then brought her back to bed for milk, but she was more interested in grinning at Daddy and seeing what he was doing lol. It must have been getting on for 10 o clock when we finally went downstairs for breakfast.

After Eva's afternoon sleep, and she slept from about 12.30 til nearly 3pm, we went off out to the retail park to spend the cats Petplan vouchers at Pets At Home, bought an oven glove and Mike wanted to look at the car stereos in Halfords. We've decided to sell the Golf, so he wants a decent stereo in the Zafira. Eva just had a nice time being out in her pushchair and having a change of scenery.

We played with her toys when we got back for a bit, Eva is loving her toys. Today's pic kind of shows what she does all the time, where she sits there twirling her hands and feet all excitedly. She does it that much, it's become just part of who Eva is. The norm. And it's lusciously lovely.

My sister came round with Lorna then for a bit to have munches with Eva and wish us all Happy New Year.

Eva has started flicking her bottom lip down with her fingers over and over making the noise that it makes when you do this. It's very cute when she does it. It's funny to see all the things she's discovering that she can do now.

Mike bathed her tonight, then she had a big long feed and was in bed asleep by about 8.15 tonight. I whispered Happy New Year to her again and whispered a "thank you so much" into the darkness of her bedroom, before quietly sneaking out to come downstairs and chill out for New Years Eve with a few drinks with Mike and Jake.

2013 has been the greatest year of my life, I don't know how 2014 can possibly top it xxxxx

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