The Big Puddle

The water has gathered in the back garden again and the river is running very high. Lots more rain expected and I'm keeping everything crossed that the water keeps out of my house. What is it with this wet, windy, weather. Everywhere I go I'm knee high in mud. It's hard to get the washing dry and there always seems to be so much more washing.....think you can see I've really had enough now. I just hope that I can get up my driveway in the morning and that it's not covered with water again. I'll look really silly doing bootcamp in my wellies.

Probably having a rotten cold broken out on me doesn't help my mood. I thought I'd got away with it but no. I don't do being unwell. I've too many things I need to get on with.

I did finish clearing all the kitchen cupboards and the fridge out today so something got done. I think the cupboards and draws in my bedroom need to be sorted out next.

An early night for me.....maybe if I close my eyes the water will just go away.

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