
By BethAndCo

Nanny and Grandad came to visit xxx

Eva slept through again last night :-) we seem to be getting more nights where she sleeps through now, although I don't want to tempt fate saying this hehe. It was 9 o' clock when I woke to the sounds of her playing in her cot. I looked on the camera, and sure enough, she was sitting up, chattering away to snuggle bear. I get so excited when I see her on the camera in the mornings, then go into her, to be greeted with such huge smiles from her, and I say "Morning sweetheart! Did you have a good sleep?" And I scoop her up and give her such big cuddles, and she gets all excited. Wonderful moments.

I was getting my company car delivered to me today, as today is officially my first day back at work, but as I won't be working Thursdays and Fridays, I don't actually start til Monday. It was meant to arrive around midday, but there was some kind of mix up, and it actually arrived at 6.30 tonight. Oh it's gorgeous, a white Renault Megane. It's an automatic too which I never knew it was going to be, so Mike is going to give me a beginners guide to driving an automatic.

My Mom and Peter came round this afternoon. I had such a lovely time, I loved them being here. I loved them seeing Eva play with her toys in her own home, and watch them smile at her when she laughed at her brother, or when she crawled and my Mom amazed at her when she sat up on her own from lying down. Things that we see all the time. I hope they come round more often, I really loved it, and Eva had lots of cuddles off her Nanny and Grandad, which I was thrilled about, considering how clingy for me she's been lately. Hopefully they will come round more now my Mom is feeling a lot better.

Eva pushed her bottle away all afternoon, then didn't eat much dinner, but I knew she must be ok as she wolfed her yoghurt down, then gulped down a load of milk from me just before bed after her bath. Her cheeks were looking quite pink again just before bed, so maybe she's teething a bit, I gave her some calpol anyway as she felt quite warm too, and she's been asleep in bed since around 8pm xxx

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