From the dark corner.....

By Rozwood1970

Goodbye to Ayr for now

I was quite surprised today when one of my tweets was retweeted by one person and then favourited by Alex Salmond! I'd clearly prefer to announce that David Tennant or James Nesbitt had favourited my tweet but hey ho the First Minister of Scotland favouriting your tweet is better than a poke in the eye with a sharp stick. Perhaps he was going to read it out the next time he was in the Scottish Parliament?

I had a weird dream about him a couple of years ago in which he was dancing up Princes Street in Edinburgh hand in hand with two giant pandas. He wasn't wearing anything either! You'll be relieved to know that I woke up before I saw anything in great detail... Anyway, I'm sure he has better things to do than dancing up Princes Street in the nude waving his bits and bobs at potential 'Yes' voters for independence in September or reading junk on Twitter.

In any case, on further inspection, I discovered it wasn't the Alex Salmond but some joker having a laugh.

Just in case you are wondering what the tweet was :-

I've just ordered a chicken and an egg from Amazon.......I will keep you posted..

I expect you are sorry you asked now. Not much else happened today. I am back in Brum now but will be back up to Ayr on the 1st of February, the week after my lovely Edinburgh pals will be visiting Stratford upon Avon! With a few things planned already this year, it's not looking too bad at all. I'll be careful crossing roads in the meantime...

Oh yes! I walked back in the house today to find a lovely Christmas card from Cara in the porch. I have put it on top of the stereo and it can stay up until at least Monday.

That's it. No more for today.

Track? One of my favourite Gary Moore numbers - The Loner

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