City Boy

By kwasi

And it's goodbye from him

Many thanks to all you blippers who have taken the time to look at my shots and to comment on them, as well as those who have subscribed to my journal.

Today was a bit difficult. Several tasks to be undertaken, all of which took longer than I had thought. However, I had the best of intentions and planned to complete my tasks (being more efficient than I like to be since I retired), then go out into the city centre around the middle of the afternoon to blip. However, the gales and the rain made that seem insane (nor were my other tasks done). I was than called to remove the Christmas tree from the lounge and to help Santa on his way home for a rest. I decided the only solution was to combine it with today's blip. Santa did not object. This was a relief to me for he was safeguarding my most precious tree decoration (the small worn purple house which we bought when #1 son was ten months old, thirty seven years ago and which I always position close the chair in which I often sit in the evening so that I can spin it and watch it glitter). I hope you enjoy it!

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