Compulsive shopper...

...Buncle had one of his regular appointments in Edinburgh today that Mr R attends with him. The rest of us tagged along and waited in the car while they were busy...amusing ourselves with books, or game consoles or in my case emails:-/

Anyway, after they were finished we toddled out to IKEA for a wee would have been rude not to.

I was a very canny shopper for once in IKEA ...Es on the other hand bought 10 notebooks at 50p each..£5 for the lot what a she thought. Turns out when we checked the receipt on our return home they were actually £3 each...£30 for the lot...not such a bargain and it turns out the biggest single contributor to my bill.

We have now entered might have been me that indicated they were 50p each...but it wasn't me who put 10 in the trolley!

If anyone needs a notebook she is selling them for a fiver each;-)

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