Photos from a random mind

By katkatkat

Declutter day 5

You all saw the state my livingroom was in last night when I went to bed. I'd love to say it's tidy now. I've spent the entire day filing. Sorting papers into things to keep, shred, recycle. The problem with my decluttering spree is by 1pm I just wanted to shred, recycle or throw it all away! I persevered though, breaking my hole punch in the process and there are now just a few small piles of non-filing things that had worked their way into the boxes.

I'm not really all that big on keeping sentimental trinkets but during my filing I found a pile of cards, drawings and silly things on post it notes and I decided they'd make great emergency blips I wasn't quite ready to get rid of some of them. This lovely card was given to me by my sister when I first went to university to wish me good luck in my new home. I haven't always seen eye to eye with my sister but now we're great friends and I wouldn't swap her for the world (but maybe for a kitten).

The in use files are neatly on the shelves in the study and the archived box files of paperwork have been put away through the magical door to nowhere. The downside to all this is that I've spent days, sorting, decluttering, being productive, and do you know what I've got to show for it all? A house that still looks a complete mess! Even the recycling bins are full so I can't even get rid of that yet.

Tomorrow will be a more relaxed day with our usual Saturday outing to the Farmers' Market.

On a side note, I am embracing the sentiment of this card.

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