Photos from a random mind

By katkatkat

What a mess in the Livingroom!

Since coming back up to Edinburgh I have been attempting to get my house into some semblance of order. When the roof was leaking everything that was in plastic storage boxes got turfed out so they could be put in the loft to catch the rain. As much as possible from leaking parts of the house was moved into the few dry spaces and we went away for Christmas leaving the flat in disarray.

When I eventually backblip between Christmas and New Year it will show that I have begun a process of making my life better. Getting rid of unneeded and unwanted things. Partly spurred on by having everything we own strewn all across the house, partly by the fact in the next few months, every room of our house will be invaded by workmen, and partly just for my own sanity.

I've been working hard, I have piles of stuff for the swap shop, charity shops, recycling and rehoming with friends. This evening I reached a point where I needed to create more space by making everything even messier. The only place I currently can create space is in the study. I have a bad habit, when I need to tidy up, of just throwing my paperwork into a box and hiding it in the study rather than properly filing it (or even worse, just dumping it in a pile in a corner of the study). When the roof started leaking even more stuff got the same treatment. When I started this evening I had 5 boxes. I now have one and a half and many piles of paper. Some is recycling, some is shredding, others are for filing.

It feels quite wrong posting such a chaotic photo but it represents very much how my life is at the minute. If you can look past the washing strewn over sofas, the bags full of stuff to be passed on to friends, and even past the small forest worth of trees that covers the livingroom floor, deep in the middle of that (probably in that clear patch where I'd been sitting) there is a glimmer of hope. Hope that things will improve, that it will get easier and that things will return to better than normal.

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