My 40th year

By 54r4h

Lunch at one of my fave restaurants

Today started out very sleepily as Heidi had been up in the night being sick : ( The others went out skiing and I was despatched for a long snowy walk to the pharmacy for my mum who was also unwell. All change by lunchtime as both patients perked up and decided to look after each other so I got my skis on rapido and met the others. We did one of my favourite skis down to st Martin de Belleville, the cloud lifted and there was a patch of blue sky. I love this restaurant so much, I've had one of my world favourite puddings here years ago. It's very French, the food is everything and everyone is crammed in with their ski boots and jackets and helmets and gloves spilling out all over the place. India was allowed her yearly coca cola for medicinal purposes as had skied miles today. After a long lunch with lots of vino we just made each of the 3 lifts by the skin of our teeth but missed the last by a measley minute! Plan b was fine and we staggered into the chalet after 5pm! A good last day.

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