It's A Minute To Midnight

By Draco

Tree Line At Dusk.....

Had a busy day spending money! One of my new purchases was a lovely comfy computer chair! Big old uncomfortable chair out comfy new one in!!!

Took camera with me all day and got a couple of good ones but on the last part of the journey home we went through Farnborough which is a little village which is very chocolate box looking.
The sky had a hint of peach and dark moody clouds but very bright near the bottom of the trees. After playing in Nik Software I decided on one of the Silver Efex presets with a bit more tinkering! ;-)
I like the way the cloud seemed to fit with the trees so well.

Sorry its late but had to build my pc chair and do bits and bobs.

Ok I have to take some photos of my bosses disco tomorrow night. If they are ok he'll put them on his Facebook page for advertising his Disco. I need help as I have no clue what settings to use or indeed wether or not to take a flash gun???
Can you guys help me out please? Music Disco that is. Tripod???

Draco Dragon xx

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