A slice of Lesley's life

By Lesley

New sign

Our local deli / coffee shop recently celebrated its first year of business with a new sign. And here it is.

Very lazy start to the day. Rain had cancelled football training and left to their own devices it turns out the kids will let us stay in bed until after 10.30am. They visited occasionally with requests about raiding the cupboards but didn't seem to need us in any other way. It seems that all the entertaining and malarkey over the last couple of weeks has left us more tired than we realised. The bit of the morning we were up for involved sorting out leaks in the roof and the fish rank. The first with a towel and a bowl and the second with a move to a new bowl, or as Carl likes to call it, a retirement home, given that the remaining fish has already well exceeded expectations, life-span wise.

First Pilates class of the year. Ouch. Mooch around Chiswick to get new trousers for the ever growing boychild, some items from this deli and a newspaper.

Then home for yet more relaxing...paper reading and Death in Pemberley for me.

Later there will be a family game of Would I Lie To You? And the last turkey curry and a film for me and Carl.

I did think buying the paper might help it feel like a Saturday but I am still happily ensconced in the world of the dayless.

Lesley x

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