
By Sam73

Retro Tuck-Shop Treats

I was delighted when I found these tins of sweets before Christmas in the Co-op. They appealed to my sense of nostalgia and brought back a host of childhood memories of walking home from school with my sister and mates and stopping off at the Newsagents for a bag of pick 'n' mix ... quite amazing how far 20p went in those days (shows age).

They proved to be a big hit with the kids, who had surprised me by asking for My Little Pony and Rubik's Cube amongst their wish list for Father Christmas - a very welcome alternative to DS games.

The kids decided they wanted these sweets as their after-school snack and I reasoned I could replenish the tins when they are empty.

I would have loved to have taken this photo in daylight but I leave the house at 7:30 and return around 6ish so no opportunity, which adds to the niggling feeling that life rather revolves around work at the moment. Roll on Springtime!

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