A slice of Lesley's life

By Lesley

Funny head

Mainly a great day, until about three hours ago when I developed a headache. I've given it everything I can (water and nurofen) without being able to give it exactly what it wants (lie down in a quiet, dark room) and it's not happy. It's not the best way to end the holidays but I think an early night could be in order.

It probably wasn't helped by the realisation that we have no childcare in a week that has already been shrunk by a day. Not great but we will work through it.

Anyway, before all the weeping and wailing it was a great last day of the holidays. Oh, apart from the first bit when I chose the most pouring down, hailing part of the morning to take the kids out so J could get his start of term haircut. Cold, soaked kids dealt with via the medium of hot chocolate and hair drying legs.

The middle bit of the day was properly great....the kids both had friends over, the house was filled with giggling and laughter, I got a small piece of work I needed to do done, yet more laundry and tidying was done and there were meatballs and cake for lunch. Anna spent the afternoon with a friend whilst me and J went and got photos for his new passport. Then we reconvened at home for traditional end of holidays Domino pizza and a film (All Stars).

Carl meanwhile put in a shift down the mine. And came home with this late Christmas present from someone he's done some work with. It seems to suit how my head feels.

Lesley x

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